Deaddog Trades; Go ahead ask questions.

by Deaddog 6 months ago

In order to possibly get discussions going I'm going to post my trades.
Today I sold BITO which I bought a while ago. 20% gain plus a couple dividends.
Sold for a loss Bought on Jan 12 @ 88.42 with a stop at 86.50
Bought BBD.b @ 51.64
Bought AGLT @ 73.80

Deaddog 6 months ago

Another loss to report:
BBD.b got stopped out today. 

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TraderMike 6 months ago

When did you buy BBD.B -- on the 18th?

What's AGLT?  Is that the US OTC stock of Angel Telecom?

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Oops I tend to be a bit dyslexic. ALGT Alligiant Travel. Sorry about that.

BBD.b position was opened on the 18th. What I refer to as a pullback play.

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TraderMike 6 months ago

BBD stalling on the 19th & 20th definitely would have had me nervous.  Oh well... win some, lose some

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Deaddog 6 months ago


Took a partial position this morning at 6.88
Stop @ 6.50 Target @ 7.50
Earnings next week so will exit before that.
0.3% account size at risk

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Getting close to my initial target which is the last swing high of 83.66 (traded @ 83.61 this morning)
Now the emotions come into play. How much room do I give this sucker?
I'm going to let it fill the gap so I'll place a hard stop @79.50
I'll check before the market closes and if it is trading near the low of the day I'll close the position.
I'd like to see it close in the top half of the days range.
If it gets to the initial target I'll take 1/2 off the table and put a trailing stop on the rest.

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Closed the trade when it broke the low of the day. Placed a market order, it got filled and then the price shot back up. 
I should hire out to change the direction of the market. I seem to be pretty good at it. :)
Profitable trade up just over 9.5% and added about 1% to my account.

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Broke out on friday from consolidation.
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Deaddog 6 months ago

Deaddog 7 days ago

Took a partial position this morning at 6.88
Stop @ 6.50 Target @ 7.50
Earnings next week so will exit before that.
0.3% account size at risk

Jan 30;
Earnings after the market close.
A case where fundys biased my decision. 
Heavy insider selling.
Closed position@ 7.12
Added 0.25% to the account.

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Deaddog 6 months ago

So there you go, Target would have hit.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda
Always easier to trade on the right hand side of the chart.

I still look at the trade as a success.
Did I follow my plan? Yes!!
I'm sure the market does this intentionally to tempt me to hold on next time.

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TraderMike 6 months ago

Yeah, it would have been tough to hold that through earnings.  Good job sticking to your plan!

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Start pos @ 101.04
Will add if it breaks prior days high @ 101.25
Stop @ 98.5 Initial target = 107

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Feb 5 
Added to ONEX as it broke prior days high. Average cost now 101.11
Added to positions in GWO  Avg cost now 44.32
Started a position in ARE @ 14.35

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Deaddog 6 months ago

Feb 6
Start position in CNQ @81.27

This is a rare (for me) range trade.
CNQ broke out last August and has traded between 80 and 90 since then.
Stop is 79 and Target is 90  Risk is 0.25% of account

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Deaddog 6 months ago

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Closed ONEX trade at breakeven. Price didn't make a higher high be fore retracing.
GWO was stopped out.

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Deaddog 5 months ago

Feb 14
I'm going to expand into the US markets using CDRs (Canadian Depository Receipts) list on the NEO exchange in Canada.

These CDRs allow me to buy popular US stocks in Canadian dollars. This is an advantage to me as I don't lose anything to the spread converting Candian dollars to US and then back again. Also in a taxable account I have to report gains and losses in $Can which involves keeping track of exchange rates and converting back to $Can with each transaction. It get confusing when you scale in and out of a position.

Neo offers 36 US stocks at this time. Most are reasonably priced. For example COST is trading around $719 US on Nasdaq and the CDR is priced around 33.73 $Can, both showing a daily gain of around 0.65%

I've made a chartlist of the available CDRs and will start scanning for set-ups

If and when I take a position in a US stock, I hope this will explain how I'm able to buy a 700 dollar stock for 34 bucks Canadian. :)

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Deaddog 5 months ago

Feb 17
Review of active positions

PEY:  Bought Jan 4 and has moved sideways since then. Came within 1 cent of my stop. It's been moving up since then with a nice move the last couple days. Pays a monthly dividend. This is more of a position trade than a swing trade. My initial target is $15 and I'll re-assess at that time. Earnings on Mar 7 (more decisions)

MTL: Bought Jan 9 -11 The initial run was good, almost to the target then it backed off and has moved sideways, I held through earnings (Probably a mistake) have moved stop to just above break-even.

EQB: Bought Jan 10; A disappointment I bought because stock was rising, and it has moved sideways since then. I move stop to 87 and will get out before earning at the end of the month.

ARE: Bought Feb 5 ; Getting close to being stopped out. Earning Mar 5, I'll be out before then.

CNQ: Bought Feb 6; Came within cents of my stop and is now moving in the right direction. Earnings at the end of the month. (No Decision yet)

ECO: Bought Feb 12; Looks like a false breakout, Trade is underwater but hasn't hit the stop (Yet) Earning on the 27th Will be gone by then.

NFI: Bought Feb 16; Earnings at end of the month. Won't hold.

TSLA: Bought Feb 16; CDR bought on Neo Exchange

I'm holding 8 positions; My maximum will be 10; I have employed about 50% of my account. 
I'll eventually get to 100% by adding to existing positions as they move in my direction or by increasing my risk on my initial purchase. Capital preservation is my number one priority.

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Deaddog 5 months ago

Feb 23:    Update on the above.

ECO Stopped out at 5.40.

EQB Sold @ 94.42 on the way up. ( Earnings next week and I didn't want to hold though that. Price continued to go up after I sold.)

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Deaddog 5 months ago

FEB 29

There doesn't seem to be any interest in discussing Canadian stock or strategies for swing trading them so I'll shut this journal down.

I closed CNQ at the target. Place a limit sell order at the beginning of the week

I closed NFI before earnings for  a small profit ($12.53)

Still holding PEY &MTL (Trailing stop so they don't become losing trades)

TSLA & ARE are slightly underwater and being watched closely.

Good trading 

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Cos3 5 months ago

I've just seen your comment today by being curious to see if there's any activities on canadian blog.  I was thinking recent comments were reported to our e-mail list.  

it's taking time to report trades... i don't even take the time to journal it.  on my side i have about 100 open positions so i wouldn't report it.  Everytime i try to reduce my positions i find one or 2 more stocks i would like to start to enter, but finally it help to reduce my risk as even if the stock stop existing i'm getting 1/100 position in problem (not 1% equity).  I was thinking to enter in some materials stocks as i don't think the inflation will be removed to the target and they will probably hesitate to increase to higher rates.

I personally don't like to buy american stocks on neo, i've seen a lag in performance last time i did it. 

i'm also holding PEY & MTL.  I also "trade ECO around jan 12 on ADX rise but was too chicken to keep it as it is not a good company... so i missed the major move from 4 to 5.50$

some stocks i've added or increased recently : NTR - ERO - POW - URB.a - DOL - MTL

some i closed recently : SHOP - AND - GOOS - STLC - LNR as they all seems to lose power

i've also started to use more ETF to invest in US stocks ZQQ- HQU - HSU - XIT

Are you also active on us side ?

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Deaddog 5 months ago

To abswer the question; Yes I trade on the US side. About 35% of my liquid net worth is in US equities. 
4 very long term positions that I'm holding because I don't want to trigger capital gains tax. (PEP,AFL,JKHY & PG.)
4 positions I'm actively trading. (BITO, THOR, AVNT & NVO)

I can't imagine have 100 positions open at one time. I limit myself to less than 20 and usually keep it around 10. If I risk 1/2% of my account per trade, (risk = (entry-stop)x position size), and my stop is 7.5% away from my entry I can have 15 positions open. 

I agree there is a lag with the NEO CDRs but if you take into consideration the exchange rate and the hassle of converting back and forth for tax purposes, it's something I can live with.

Yup it takes a bit of time to post trades, I was really hoping there were a few more people who wanted to discuss swing trading. Doesn't seem like it. 

Thanks for the response.

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