Technical Analysis for RECO - Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd

Grade Last Price % Change Price Change
C 1.100 3.77% 0.040
RECO closed up 3.77 percent on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, on 72 percent of normal volume.
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Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd., a junior oil and gas company, engages in the exploration and development of oil and gas in Namibia. It holds a 90% interest in a petroleum exploration license that covers an area of approximately 25,341.33 square kilometers located in northeast Namibia. The company is based in London, the United Kingdom.

Keywords: Energy Oil Oil And Gas Petroleum London Oil Companies Namibia Junior Oil

Is RECO a Buy, Sell or Hold?

Indicator Bull Case Neutral / Hold Bear Case
50 DMA
200 DMA
ADX Trend
Oversold / Overbought
Relative Strength


Indicator Value
52 Week High 1.87
52 Week Low 0.76
Average Volume 386,044
200-Day Moving Average 1.072
50-Day Moving Average 1.004
20-Day Moving Average 1.034
10-Day Moving Average 1.070
Average True Range 0.091
RSI (14) 55.95
ADX 24.8
+DI 33.047
-DI 16.160
Chandelier Exit (Long, 3 ATRs) 1.011
Chandelier Exit (Short, 3 ATRs) 1.159
Upper Bollinger Bands 1.179
Lower Bollinger Band 0.888
Percent B (%b) 0.73
BandWidth 28.234
MACD Line 0.027
MACD Signal Line 0.022
MACD Histogram 0.0049
Fundamentals Value
Market Cap 117.44 Million
Num Shares 107 Million
Price-to-Sales 0.00
Price-to-Book 6.22
Pivot Point Level Traditional / Classic Fibonacci Demark Woodie Camarilla
Resistance 4 (R4) 1.295
Resistance 3 (R3) 1.310 1.260 1.263
Resistance 2 (R2) 1.260 1.210 1.253 1.252
Resistance 1 (R1) 1.180 1.180 1.155 1.165 1.241
Pivot Point 1.130 1.130 1.118 1.123 1.130
Support 1 (S1) 1.050 1.080 1.025 1.035 0.959
Support 2 (S2) 1.000 1.050 0.993 0.948
Support 3 (S3) 0.920 1.000 0.938
Support 4 (S4) 0.905