FSB Stock Discussion

First Asset Enhanced Sh Dur Bond ETF Description

The First Asset ETF’s investment objective is to provide absolute returns through interest income and capital gains and its risk objective is to have very low volatility and positive returns over any twelve month period. The First Asset ETF will primarily invest in debt instruments across the credit spectrum including cash, government debt, investment-grade corporate debt, high-yield corporate debt, government debt futures, convertible debentures and credit derivatives. The First Asset ETF’s strategy will primarily focus on US and Canadian corporate bonds and will include the use of government bond futures to manage the duration of the fund according to the volatility objectives. To minimize interest rate volatility, the First Asset ETF would typically target an overall portfolio duration of less than 2 years.

Keywords: Etf Government Debt Volatility Corporate Bond Derivative Banking Financial Law Private Equity Credit Financial Risk Government Bond High Yield Debt Futures Contract Low Volatility Debenture Credit Risk Absolute Yield Co Government Debt Convertible Bond Credit Derivative