Earliest available date is 2022-04-18. Please choose that date or later.

Stocks Making: Lower Bollinger Band Walk on

Stocks which are walking down their lower Bollinger BAnds

Related Scans: Weakness Possible Breakdown Breakdown Bollinger Bands Trending High Volatility
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Pro Scan

Results have been limited to 10 of the 92 matching stocks. For full access to this scan you must sign up for a Free Account
Symbol Grade Close % Change Volume Vol Surge
EMA F 46.360 -0.17 5,119,634 4.58
LFE D 3.820 -1.55 203,293 3.49
LCS F 5.860 -2.50 97,248 3.22
TOY F 31.000 -1.40 328,349 3.05
DFN D 4.900 -1.80 756,424 2.41
GRT.UN F 69.170 -4.28 170,335 2.31
CAD D 2.050 0.00 211,837 2.12
WRN B 1.920 -1.03 223,498 2.11
QIPT F 4.970 -2.74 62,192 2.07
LNF C 21.420 -2.64 18,444 1.76
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