Earliest available date is 2022-04-22. Please choose that date or later.

Stocks Making: Stochastic Sell Signal on

A sell signal is given when the Stochastic is above the 80 overbought line and the %K line crosses below the %D line

Related Scans: Overbought Stochastic Bearish
Or combine this in a: Combo Scan or a Back-To-Back Scan

Symbol Grade Close % Change Volume Vol Surge
GDC A 3.300 1.54 40,000 3.92
CSH.UN B 12.590 0.16 677,041 1.84
TINY C 2.710 -2.17 55,642 1.21
HRX A 20.040 1.01 12,782 0.96
CCL.B A 71.280 0.51 293,939 0.88
TBL A 3.350 -1.47 3,506 0.32
TCN C 15.080 -0.33 117,252 0.17
KSI A 3.750 -0.53 5,696 0.09
Related Scans: Overbought Stochastic Bearish
Or combine this in a: Combo Scan or a Back-To-Back Scan
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